The DMI Team

Anthony Turner

Anthony Turner is the founder of Destiny Ministries International and  apostolic leader of the NAGIYD Network and The Judah Company.

For 43 years, Anthony Turner has endeavored to fulfill the call and mandate of God he was given:  

“Elevate minds and disciple men to be examples of God’s awesome power, tender mercies and everlasting love.”

Anthony’s passion is to see the sons and daughters of God equipped and mobilized to take the gospel of the kingdom to every corner of the world.  Anthony is a spiritual father and mentor to many young five-fold ministry leaders, missionaries and worship leaders in the United States and around the world. 

In 2012, Destiny Ministries International was launch; a ministry established to disciple, equip and mobilize the next generation of emerging leaders for kingdom transformation.  As a member of the Harvest International Ministries Apostolic Network; Destiny Ministries International is a regional and international equipping ministry committed to training and empowering emerging leaders through Apostolic Training Schools, mobile worship schools and conferences and internships through DMI and partner ministries.                                                        

Alicia Turner

Chief Financial Officer - dMI

Commissioned in 2016 as a Marketplace Apostle,  Alicia Turner's passion is to see the kingdom of God manifested in every sphere of society.  Alicia believes that one of the great shifts in culture is that the marketplace becomes a valid mission field for the believer.  She recognizes the importance of the day to day ministry in the marketplace. As a marketplace  visionary Alicia looks to equip and empower the vast number in the body of Christ to GO.  The Father has positioned many amazing people in the "mountains" of cultural influence and Alicia's goal is to see each of them prepared to storm the mountain with anointing, integrity and authority.  

Alicia is the mother of 3 adult sons and a spiritual mother to many young firebrands.  

Varian Dean

missions director - DMI

President -  Destiny Missions

Varian Dean is passionate about equipping those in the Kingdom of God to fulfill the will of God here on earth. In the ministry he is called to fulfill Varian draws inspiration from Ephesians 4:11-13:

“And he gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ: till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a full grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:”

Varian has been actively involved in ministry since 1999. He initially became interested in missions in 2002 on a short-term mission trip to Mexico. Since then Varian has served in Spain and Nigeria and has carried the love of the Father to 23 nations. Currently residing in Chicago, IL, Varian is working earnestly to expand the work of the kingdom of God. His efforts are to continue sharing God’s love with people in the least reached parts of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Shiloh Kelley  

Ministry relations director - DMI

With a heart for the nations and  the people of the nations.  Shiloh's desire is to partner with churches, ministries and other organizations who are ignited with the mission to lead the nations into a growing relationship with Jesus as we put God’s compassion into action. 

DMI Staff

  • Gianna Ruiz

    Executive Director of Operations

    Phoenix, AZ


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  • Jennifer Woodall

    Financial Director

    Odessa, TX


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  • Cassie Johnson

    Director of Destiny Media Group

    Aiken, SC


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  • Shana Chinyanta

    Administrative Assistant

    Aiken, SC


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  • Victoria Robinson

    International Prayer Coordinator

    Tampa, FL


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  • Haley Keen

    Registrar:  Destiny Equipping School

    Odessa, TX


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International Apostolic Team

Each member of our international apostolic team is aligned with our vision and shares our desire to expand and grow the kingdom through DMI. All members function at the top of their sphere of influence and carry a distinctive heart for  reformation. Each member is prophetically chosen and recognized by the President and Presiding Apostle of DMI Anthony turner, to serve our global apostolic family.

  • Ted & Rosie Ruiz

    Surprise, AZ

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  • Nate & Brisy Ortiz

    Cleveland, OH

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  • Crispin & Rebecca Bennett

    Gulfport, MS

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  • Miranda Gfeller

    Dimmit, TX

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  • Todd & Kristen Owen

    Meridian, MS

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  • Kathryn Wade

    Aiken, SC

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